Love Expressed

How is love expressed? Lots of ways, I suppose.

My granny had no shortage of ways of showing her love for me: a hug, a kiss on the cheek, teaching me how to bait a hook and hold my mouth just right while fishing, and an old King James Bible given to me at age seven. It was one of those smallish, zip-up black Bibles with a little bronze cross for a handle and great colored pictures inside. I never could quite figure out what King James was saying, but the pictures were marvelous. They gave me something to do during preaching.

Granny also demonstrated her love for me through a whooping or two or three or more to help me adjust this or that attitude that might come back to bite me one day. On top of that, she was an expert at trapping me with my own words and giving me an object lesson or two to get her point across.

From sending me to a shuttered market a mile down the road to fetch an ice cold Coca Cola on a ninety-five degree Sabbath, so I would learn to respect that day, to taking all my fish off the stringer and dropping them back into Whiskey Slough to teach me to quit complaining, she had her ways.  If it weren’t for Granny’s love and her unique way of teaching me lessons though, I have no idea where I would be today; nowhere good, I suppose.

There are lots of ways of letting someone know you love them. No two ways are the same. They are unique to you and the one you love.

Lay your old army coat over her pretty shoulders on a cold October evening, and she’ll be yours for life. Shoot, if you’re really good you can ask for your allowance and express your love at the same time; kinda like a two for one deal.

Good Morning Babe!

My dear, might you have a dollar or two

To spare for this dear old husband of you?

In lieu of a dollar, a check will do.

And never forget, I so do love you!

On tomorrow I’ll be in Florence, you see,

And dinner is needed for others and me.

It may be hamburgers or fish from the sea,

And preacher or no, lunch is not free.

If you do have a dollar or dime in your purse,

Or not, please don’t worry, I will not be terse.

I’ll carry on ‘neath no burden or curse,

For from your sweet love, I slake both hunger and thirst.

Love, Tony

I got the dollar and I just might get an ear full when this gets printed.

Like I said though, there is no shortage of ways to let a loved one know how you feel about them. Whoever you love, I mean with that special love, let them know. I know they know, but they want to hear it. They need to hear it, and whether you want to admit it or not, so do you. Life is long, don’t let them wonder. Tell them you love them. Life is short, tell them today, don’t wait!

I was going to get all theological on you, but sometimes we simply need to appreciate the gifts our Lord has given us. Take the time to appreciate your family. Take the time to appreciate the close friends you have. Take the time to truly appreciate that special someone with whom you have been blessed. Take the time to appreciate and cherish one of the greatest gifts to come down from Heaven above.

Take the time to love.

Tony Rowell


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