Category: (Nature)
The Bear Whisperer
It was one of those days just made for hiking. The temperature was hovering around 65 or so, the wind was light and the air enjoyed that particular brand of clarity that only comes from a combination of altitude and last night’s rain. As I walked, the sunshine filtered through the poplar and sycamore leaves… Read more
Whiskey Slough
Whiskey Slough is a magical place for me. It’s filled with mystery and mosquitoes, memories and moccasins, alligators, allegories and the cool green shade of summers past. When life begins to weigh upon my soul, I often find myself journeying back some fifty years or so to a memory nestled beneath the outstretched arms of… Read more
Diamonds and Stones
At last I had found peace; peace and quiet and a calmness of spirit that I hadn’t felt for a long time. It was late summer back in 2006, and my ordeal of prostate cancer was almost over. At least the surgery and acclimating myself to the changes in my life were nearly over. That… Read more
Life In The Brackish Water
It was so hot that you could feel the sweat trickling down your back. If I had been wearing a shirt, it would have been sticking to me, but I was twelve or so and my wardrobe for the summer consisted of a pair of cutoffs and tennis shoes. As I recall I seldom wore… Read more