I will never forget the expression on her face. I wish I could find a way to describe it. It’s been thirty some odd years now, and I can still see her eyes just as plain as if it was yesterday. Black as onyx, filled with young life and yet haunted somehow. Unforgettable, that’s for sure. In all my life, I don’t think I have ever seen anything as lovely or as awful as those eyes. They filled me with hope and dread at the same time. Now how do you do that?
She was staring off into space with that newborn on her lap. She looked like she knew something that no one else did. Yeah, I know all new mamas look kinda like that, but there was something else; something that gave her a wonderfully secretive smile; and Lord have mercy did that smile set off the tears in her eyes. Never has there been nor ever will there be anything more beautiful or more tragic than those eyes. I will never forget them. They’ve haunted me for over thirty years now.
Oh, I’ve kept up the best I could over the years. I mean it ain’t everyday a bunch of angels tell you where to go. That kind of thing sticks in your mind, you know. Not to mention seeing the baby, but it was those eyes, those eyes that captured me somehow.
I remember praying for that little girl as I headed home that evening; praying that she could find some peace somewhere, find something to take that terrible sorrow from her eyes.
I understand her boy has gotten Himself in some trouble as of late; started speaking the truth. Young’uns, they’ll do that sometimes. It takes a bit of livin’ to understand that the truth makes folks uncomfortable. Heck, it makes ‘em mad. It threatens ‘em more often than not, especially a truth like His; but He was sent to tell them, so tell them He did.
I’m just glad I wasn’t there to witness the kangaroo court and the beatings. Just watching them rise up that middle cross and drop it into place from a distance was enough to tear me up. The sound of that cross dropping carried all across the city. It rang out like an angry clap of thunder. It broke my heart, as old as I am. Even the sheep fell silent around me.
It rained all that day and on into the evening. About sunset things calmed down a little and by nightfall all was quiet; all but my mind, that is.
I couldn’t sleep to save my soul that night. Every time I lay down, my mind would return to those haunted eyes from years before. Only now the smile had faded, and the tears of sorrow and pain were all that lingered.
It’s been three days now since they pulled Him off that cross, and I slept pretty good last night. I just got up once or twice. I can tell you this though; I do believe I saw the prettiest sunrise I have ever seen this morning; not a cloud in the sky. I hope His mama was up early enough to see it.
Have a blessed Easter.
Tony Rowell
Those Eyes
5 responses to “Those Eyes”
Beautiful, Pastor Tony !
Thought it was very touching
As usual, love your writings.
Great heartfelt telling of the story. Thanks Tony. Blessings
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