Peaceful Place – The Writings of Tony Rowell

Old memories are odd things, aren’t they? They’re kind of like mental cicadas. They can lay dormant for years; and then one day they crawl out from the mud of your mind, climb up your brain stem, shake off their tired old skins and take flight. Now most memories head off to find better accommodations and you never see them again, but every now and then one decides to hang around. That darn thing will find a cozy spot in a quiet corner of your mind, set up housekeeping and then start humming one of those incessant tunes that ricochets around the inside of your skull looking for a way out. If you don’t tend to it quickly, the volume will rise and an echo will form, and before long your memory has gone to seed. Then you’ll find yourself dreaming about that old memory, but now unicorns and fairy sprites are dancing and prancing around the old home place in your mind, and that just won’t do.
This little collection of essays, or stories or whatever you decide they are, is my attempt at preventing my memories and other considerations from getting too far out of hand.
My prayer is that you will enjoy reading them as much as I enjoyed liberating them.
Oh yea, I hope you don’t mind; but there might be a little wantabe philosopher stuff in there too, but not much. I promise.
Tony Rowell (Just click on BLOG above to enjoy.)